Transportation & Accessibility

Casa Magda driveway in fall


Car from NYC

About a 2 hour drive (without traffic) from Manhattan.

Address is only offered once you book the house for privacy reasons. Please book here.

If you need a reference point, please use this address for the nearest restaurant to the house (less than 5 min. drive):

Brandywine, 11157 NY-23, Windham, NY 12496

Bus from NYC

Adirondack Trailways
Charter bus leaves from Port Authority Bus Terminal. About a 3+ hour bus ride with multiple stops in between. Drops you off at Valero Gas Station (5 mins. drive from the house).

Valero Gas Station:
7 Church St, Windham, NY 12496

Have someone pick you up, or call to schedule a pick up with a local car service:
Dawn to Dusk car service / 518-331-7564

Majestic Mountain Taxi / 518-734-4096

Nearest Airport

The closest major airport to Windham, NY is Albany International Airport (ALB / KALB). This airport is in Albany, NY and is 64 miles from Windham, NY.

Options from the airport:

Amtrak Train from NYC

About a 3 hour train ride from Penn Station. Amtrak operates daily between Manhattan’s Penn Station and Hudson, NY—a 40 minute drive from Windham. Hudson, NY is nearest town to Windham with an Amtrak station. You can use a local car service to take you to Windham or have someone pick you up from there.

Hudson, NY (HUD) Amtrak:
69 South Front Street
Hudson, NY 12534

Car Services

Uber or Lyft is not available in most small towns upstate. Please use the local car service for Greene County:

Dawn to Dusk car service / 518-331-7564

Majestic Mountain Taxi / 518-734-4096

Other ways of transportation:

The Windham Shuttle
Different options of shuttles and busses.

For other transportation options

NYC Snowbus Shuttle

Catskills without a car
For other ways to visit the Catskills

Accessibility & Parking

There is parking in front of the house. There is a small deck/bridge to get to the entrance with 4 short steps. Be careful during the evening and inclement weather.

For people with disabilities, ensure you have someone who can help you up the steps.

Property Access During Winter Months

Casa Magda is open for rent all year round, including the winter months which are great for skiing and snowboarding. We are located on a private road that receives daily snow clearance services. Please park your car to the side of the driveway to allow the snow plower to clear the path. We suggest guests come prepared with a 4-wheel drive vehicle suitable for snow and gravel roads. In the rare instance that guests are unable to leave on their planned departure date, please contact us immediately. However, we cannot be held responsible for any expenses incurred due to snow clearance issues, so please plan ahead. Please be cautious of black ice and the steep mountain hill, and arrive during daylight hours.